Participation of the Centre on Webinars


During the course of the week, the Russian-Serbian humanitarian centre or the Dwarves of activities in the possibility of the VKS.

March 16 (A) – "Hiccurse in the Post-Pandemic: Interaction of State and Civil Journalism" organized by the N.A. National Institutes of Health. It's a semash. At the forum, there was any talk of interacting against and during civil civilism in the o. shmh. Specialists at the BOM Centre have advertised their experience in the COVID-19 pandemic in the Balkans.

On March 17, the Zammi Center 17. March 2015 at XXXI Menjo-saro-gardening "Pregaša. Salvation. "New lyme" in "The People's Emergency Against." The shrine is an online press office, the Russian Academy of Civil Protection. It was announced as a long-distance organism, including strike training.