Rescuers to Serbian children
The Center continues to work with the younger generation, sharing knowledge and experience through hands-on classes. In particular, the Kosta Abrasevic school in Resnik, a suburb of Belgrade, held evacuation exercises, and organized classes – scouts of the detachment of Major Dragutin Gavrilovich, employees of the Russian-Serbian Humanitarian Center and the local unit of the Red Cross of Serbia.
The main issue of the class is the evacuation of students from the school in case of emergency. The bell is an alarm! Children leave the building – on the flights of stairs teachers or scouts organize a movement according to the plan of teaching. According to the scenario, several children were blocked on the second floor and they were evacuated by rescuers with the help of climbing equipment and rope descents. And in the yard with the "victims" work medics – specialists of the Red Cross and volunteers from among the scouts.
After that, a lesson on introducing schoolchildren with fire-saving equipment RSGC, practice – independent work with fire extinguishers!
The exercises were satisfied with all – and organizers, and most importantly – schoolchildren, for whom the learning process turned into an interesting and informative event!