TIME SERBIA-2019 Part 2



Two days of practical exercises – June 26 and 27 were full of specialized activities in accordance with the Exercise Plan. The significance of the exercises is also evidenced by the fact that it was monitored by senior officials of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the Interior Ministry of Serbia, numerous guests from the diplomatic corps, UN staff and other international institutions.

Russia was represented by First Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations A.P.Chupriyan, Serbia – Interior Minister N.Stefanovic, State Secretary M.Milickovic, Head of the Emergency Sector P.Maric, Italy-Minister, Director of Civil Protection Service.

Simultaneously with the Serbia-2019 exercise, the RSGC organized an exhibition of rescue and special equipment on its territory, which was attended by 15 Russian and three Serbian manufacturing companies. A sample of a tracked vehicle used in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia was displayed on the square, which was specially delivered to Nish for these events.

On June 27, at the end of the Serbia 2019 Exercise, a parade and awards ceremony was held in the center of the city of Nisha, addressed by President of the Republic of Serbia A. Vucic. He thanked all those who organized the exercises and practically implemented them. Among the guests was Serbian Defense Minister A. Vulin. And the final chord of the parade was the appearance of russian Emergencies Ministry aviation in the sky over Nis.

On the Russian side, in response to Serbian hospitality, a tea party of Russian samovars was organized in the central square of Nisha, with Russian sweets, and a field kitchen was used, where buckwheat porridge was cooked – food of rescuers in the field. Many residents of the city of Nisha for the first time tasted Russian guests!